2020 - Comanche Yucca Donation

In 2020, Joven Riley, owner of Comanche Yucca in Fort Stockton, Texas connected with the Campus Arboretum thanks to the UA Foundation Development office. Joven is a University of Arizona alumnus, with deep connections to the UA landscape that led to him eventually building his business around Yucca and related species.  






















A Yucca rostrata in full bloom, 6 months after transplanting near Old Main.












Photos (left to right): Yucca faxon hybrid, Dasylirion wheeleri, Yucca faxon, and Yucca rostrata in the wholesale production field at the nursery in Fort Stockton, TX.


















Photos (left to right). Specimens getting moved into shipping trucks at Comanche Yucca Nursery, thanks to our mutual friends at Civano Wholesale Growers, in Tucson. Civano orchestrated the pick up in Texas and delivered them free of charge to the UA campus. 















Photos (left to right). Specimens arrive at the University of Arizona campus where the UA Grounds Services donated time to receive, and install at locations collaboratively selected with the University Landscape Architect. 

June, 2021