Welcome to the Sonoran Native Plants Tour!
In this virtual tour, you will immerse yourself in The University of Arizona’s historic Joseph Wood Krutch garden. Digitally connect with us in the Sonoran Desert and develop your appreciation for the historical and current role of these native plants in supporting environmental and human health
To begin the tour, click on any of the 17 species below or click here to start the tour from the beginning.
Fouquieria splendens | Fouquieriaceae | ocotillo
Peniocereus greggii | Cactaceae | night blooming cereus
Senegalia greggii | Fabaceae | catclaw acacia
Agave parryi | Asparagaceae | Parry's agave
Foquieria columnaris | Fouquieriaceae | boojum
Stenocereus thurberi | Cactaceae | organ pipe cactus
Yucca elata | Asparagaceae | soaptree yucca
Lophocereus schottii | Cactaceae | senita
Opuntia engelmannii | Cactaceae | Engelmann prickly pear
Larrea tridentata | Zygophyllaceae | creosote
Simmondsia chinensis | Simmondsiaceae | jojoba
Dasylirion wheeleri | Asparagaceae | sotol
Lycium fremontii | Solanaceae | wolfberry
Koeberlinia spinosa | Celastraceae | crucifixion thorn
Carnegia gigantea | Cactaceae | saguaro
Opuntia ficus-indica | Cactaceae | Indian fig
Prosopis velutina | Fabaceae | velvet mesquite