UA Celebrates Arbor Day 2014 with Mayor Rothschild

Celebrate Arbor Day on Earth Day!

This was a wonderful and well attended event. Read the associated news and media coverage:

UA News Video

TV13 News Now - Mayor Rothschild Interview

4/22 UA News Calendar 

The UA Campus Arboretum will host a short program celebrating campus and community leaders for their excellence in promoting stewardship and conservation of urban trees. Mayor Jonathan Rothschild will speak about The City of Tucson’s 10,000 Trees Campaign and UA Facilities Management Grounds Services and UA Campus, Planning, Design and Construction will be recognized for their dedication in maintaining the UA campus trees and creating a park-like setting in which campus and community members work and play. The 2014 Arbor Day Commemorative Tree will be dedicated and guests may enter a raffle for a free tree. Participants who bring a current TEP Statement can sign up for an $8 tree from Trees for Tucson. Undoubtedly, there is no better way to kick off Earth Week, than by celebrating the trees that sustain our earth! Come early for limited seating among the majestic oaks, elms, ash, and callistemon trees. Standing room will also be available for all who wish to join in.

Print an invitation and post the flyer. Invite your friends! All are welcome to attend.



Other info 

Visitor Parking is available nearby in the 2nd Street and Cherry Avenue parking garages. Before 8:30am visitor parking is generally available. The major and others speaking parts of the program will be held in the first 30 minutes (8:30-9am). This will be a good opportunities for photography along with the tree dedication. The final part of the program (9-9:30am) will allow participants to enter a raffle, sign up for seedlings from Trees for Tucson, browse literature displays, and learn how to plant a tree.



Contact for media 

Tanya Quist

621-1582 or 306-1228


Tuesday, April 22, 2014 - 08:30 to 09:30