Cupressus sempervirens | Cupressaceae | Mediterranean cypress
This cypress is native to the eastern Mediterranean region. Like the olive, this tree is very long lived, some being over 1000 years old. This evergreen usually reaches a mature height of 40-60 ft., but can reach up to 115 ft. in height. It is rarely wider than 3-5 ft. The branches grow upright and are brown to gray in color. The scale-like leaves form on the tiny branches from the ground to the top of the tree. The gray-green leaves are less than 2 in. long and also grow upward.The wood is both durable and highly fragrant. Notably, the wood of this species was used on the doors of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome. It was often planted by graves and used in funeral processing in Rome. It would fumigate the air during cremations.