In addition to a dozen plants installed by arboretum students this Spring, the UA Campus Arboretum was fortunate to receive several wonderful cactus specimens from local Tucson residents. We extend thanks to these generous donors for their contributions to the collection which both enhance the educational and research value of the living collection and also add beauty and richness to the campus aesthetic. Enjoy some photos of the new plants and a few images documenting the considerable effort of getting these valuable plants here!

Top Left: Stuart Bengson, a Tucson resident stands next to the beautiful Pachycereus pringlei on his property prior to salvage.
Top Right and Middle Left: Old Pueblo Cactus transplant crew preparing to move the cardon onto the truck.
Middle Right: Stuart Bengson standing next to the cardon after the plant was installed on the UA Campus.
Bottom Left: An image of the crested Myrtillocactus donated by Lee Stanfield of Tucson.
Bottom Right: An image showing the detail the beautiful crested formation of Lee Stanfield's donated Myrtillocactus.