Your contributions provide support for Campus Arboretum educational and outreach programs, student training and research projects that promote sustainable urban land management and development. These efforts are essential for the creation of sustainable and resilient cities seeking low-cost natural solutions for climate adaptation. Our student programs provide mentoring and intensive, engaged training for those young people who will be the future stewards of our cultural and environmental resources. Your donations also provide support for professional development and training of grounds personnel to ensure the campus trees enjoy longevity model progressive practices for the community. Join use in perpetuating the University of Arizona legacy of research and education - selecting stress-tolerant tree species, innovating creative and efficient landscape designs, preserving historic specimens and acreage and expanding the reach of our educational programs to the community beyond the campus bounds.
To send a gift to the Campus Arboretum:
For Gifts related to Sponsorship and Naming:
follow the process outlined in our "Sponsorship and Naming Opportunities" tab above.
For checks accompanying a mailed donation, please make the check out to "The UAF/Arizona Campus Arboretum".
Envelopes should be addressed to: The Campus Arboretum PO BOX 210036 Tucson AZ 85721
Suggested Giving Levels:
$5000 Boojum Level Sustaining Member
$1000 Saguaro Level Corporation or Business
$750 Oak Level Garden Club or Non-Profit Group
$250 Palm Level Alumni or Neighbors Group
$50 Mesquite Level Couple
$35 Creosote Level Individual
Sponsorship and Additional Gifts:
Make your mark on campus with a gift that supports future Campus Arboretum development, research and education. There are many opportunities for you to become part of UA heritage while providing significant support for preservation of its beautiful landscape. Your sponsorship preserves a personal heritage on campus and provides the means for continuing arboretum programs that benefit the campus and community through tree planting, student educational projects and research. For more information on sponsorship opportunities contact the Campus Arboretum Director, by emailing:
Matching Gifts:
Many corporations will match or even double their employees' contributions to the University of Arizona Campus Arboretum. This is an excellent way to enlarge your gift.
Planned Giving:
If you would like to discuss planned giving, pledging or installment giving, please contact Alex Strong Director of Development, The College of Agriculture Office of Development. Mailing Address: PO Box 210036 University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721. Phone: 1 (989) 533-9228