Dunbar Spring Neighborhood_Ambrosia deltoidea













Family: Asteraceae


Common Names:


  • English: triangle leaf bursage
  • Spanish: Chicurilla   
  • O'odham: Taḍṣagĭ


Scientific Name: Ambrosia deltoidea


Rain Garden ZoneA. deltoidea thrives in the top rain garden zone. 



Reproduced with permission from "Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond" by Brad Lancaster, HarvestingRainwater.com


Flowering Season: Foresummer 




  1. UA Campus Arboretum
  2. Mielke, Judy. (1993). Native Plants for Southwestern Landscapes. University of Texas Press.
  3. Kay, Margarita Artschwager. (1996). Healing with Plants in the American and Mexican West. University of Arizona Press.
  4. Bigfoot, Peter. Useful Wild Western Plants - The Blessings of Southwestern Herbs. Reevis Mountain School and Sanctuary.
  5. Turner, Raymond M., Bowers, Janice E., and Burgess, Tony L.. (1995) Sonoran Desert Plants - An Ecological Atlas. University of Arizona Press.
  6. Epple, Anne Orth. (1995). Plants of Arizona. Falcon Press Publishing.


For more information on this plant, see the Campus Arboretum species description pages.
