A New Generation of Boojum

We proudly introduce a new generation of Boojum (Fouquieria columnaris) in the Joseph Wood Krutch garden! Thanks to Dick Weidhopf, and other generous donors, the UA Campus Arboretum was able to obtain a wonderful 6' tall 2-stemmed Boojum from California. The plants replace those planted in 1929 by President Homer Shantz which adorned the historic cactus garden and amazed visitors for almost a century. (The last of Shantz's original specimens was destroyed in 2014.) The story was also mentioned in our Oct. 2014 NewsletterWe are so thrilled to preserve this aspect of our botanical history! Kudos to Juan J Barba & Associate Arborists, Arizona Cactus and Tree Co. as well as UA Facilities Management for arranging for transport, and installation in the garden.







A Botanical Legacy Continues

In the middle of the photo on the top right here, you can see the stump from the last of President Shantz's original 1929 Boojum. It declined and was cut down in 2014. In the center foreground, can you see a small Boojum growing? It is likely the progeny of one of the original plants. Pictures from the 1929 planting can be found on our website.





















Many Hands Make Light Work

Thank you to Patricia Patton of Arizona Cactus and Trees for providing and installing these wonderful new plants! The crew from Arizona Cactus and Tree are shown here unloading the Boojum, which they shipped bare-root from California. UA Facilities Management and UA Campus Planning, Design & Construction departments were instrumental in obtaining the new plants. One of many examples of their generosity and collaboration with the UA Campus Arboretum - it's so great to have attentive and engaged partners!







Experience the Wonder

You're invited to visit the new Boojum on the east side of the Joseph Wood Krutch gardern. It is shown here nestled in between friends - including Saguaro, Crucifixion thorn, and Senita. (The cute, brown, little "sunhat" fashioned of shade cloth protects the growing tip of the plant from sunburn in its first summer.)






















If you would like to donate to cover the remaining costs, please visit the donations and sponsorship pages on this site. Please specify "Boojum 2015" in the memo to indicate your wish to have your donation designated for this project. 

Monday, August 10, 2015 - 13:00 to 14:00