Florilegium Artist_Pauline Savage

Pauline Savage


A lifelong artist, Pauline Savage is inspired by the beauty and intricacy of the natural world. Her career path began in her home state of Kansas and led her to the Pacific Northwest. In 2002 she launched Savage Design Studio in Seattle.  The Savage Design Studio line of 87 unique images, totally hand-painted by Pauline, was carried by the Kennedy Collection at the Seattle Gift Mart, and promoted nationally by Rhonda Kennedy. In addition, more than 90 paintings and drawings specifically designed for artwork distributor, Picture Source, Inc. were purchased by national home decor and furniture lines and commercial interior design companies. After moving to Colorado in 2005, she closed Savage Design Studio to concentrate on original studio creations, and then in 2017, relocated to Tucson AZ and established Pauline Savage Art Studio.


In 2021 she became a member of the University of Arizona Campus Arboretum and is now a contributing artist for the Florilegium. Pauline’s artwork reveals her well-developed artistic talent. “In the way some people get a boost from a cup of coffee I get my rush from making art.  I had never experienced the mystery and magic of the desert before moving to Tucson. Painting the botanicals of the desert was a new experience, and painting the identifying characteristics that distinguish  one plant from another is captivating. I enjoy painting the hundreds of needles and spines on cactus it is a bit like meditation for me. I consider myself quite fortunate to be part of this program”.


Enjoy her entire range of artworks at Pauline Savage Art Studio