2019 Student Interns

Dr. Tanya Quist

Tanya M. Quist is an Associate Professor in the School of Plant Sciences. She also serves a role in Cooperative Extension as Director of the University of Arizona Campus Arboretum. Her responsibilities extend statewide in providing leadership in urban horticulture but include significant commitments on campus working with a wide range of people from UA Grounds Services and Campus Planning to mentoring student interns.












Bethany Vos

B.S. Plant Sciences, Class of 2021

B.S. Nutritional Sciences, Class of 2021

Project: Bethany has responsibility for curating the arboretum's extensive botanical photo inventory. As the Campus Arboretum photographer, she ensures all new plants entered into the collection have botanically identifying photos, publishes these to the web and maintains accuracy of all records, including current taxonomic classification in the database.












Will Brown

B.S. Sustainable Plant Systems, Environmental Horticulture Emphasis, Class of 2021

Project: Will is responsible for researching and updating content for Campus Arboretum species description pages. His role requires that he learn about plant taxonomy, morphology  and physiology to describe the botanical characteristics, ecological distribution, adaptation as well as cultural practices and ethnobotanial uses of a dozen native and cultivated plant species.












Jamie Rike

B.S. Biosystems Engineering, Class of 2021

Project: Jamie is responsible for providing support to the Campus Arboretum as a Grounds Services liaison. Any tasks involving the physical grounds from tree planting, care, and signage, she does it all! She is responsible for the creation, installation, and maintenance of the Campus Arboretum botanical- and interpretive signs, assisting with new plant installations, and maintaining the database inventory of plants and signs. 








Brittany Dobroslavic

B. S. Natural Resources and the Environment, Conservation Biology Emphasis, Class of 2021

Project: Brittany has the important role of connecting the Campus Arboretum with the University staff in grounds services to ensure our tree inventory and the public/interactive is accurate online. To do this work, she must identify plants, enter them in the database, mark them on the online maps and install and maintain botanical signage. She also works with donors to coordinate installation of benches and sponsored trees and updates the mobile tours recording these special sponsored sites.










Cora Ricoy

B. S. Sustainable Plant Systems, Environmental Horticulture Emphasis, Class of 2019

Project: Cora is generates and improves content on the Campus Arboretum species description pages and the Desert Landscaping site. She has gained a good mastery of plant taxonomy, morphology, can identify many campus plants, describe their botanical characteristics, ecological distribution, adaptation as well as cultural practices and ethnobotanial uses of many native and cultivated plant species.











Cora Peterson

B.S. Sustainable Plant Systems, Class of 2019

Project: Cora is researching and developing content describing new cultivars and species in the Campus Arboretum collection. These are species we wish to encourage in the trade that will be published on the Desert Landscape site and widely viewed by residential and commercial landscapers. She applies her knowledge of plant taxonomy and morphology to botanical characteristics, ecological distribution, adaptation as well as cultural practices used to grow these plants.