Undergraduates 2014

Fall 2014 Campus Arboretum Student Interns.
L-R: Brigette Porter, Hunter McBurnett, Seth Weakly, Amelia Blake, Craig Johnson, Alison Radei, Sequoia Fischer, Tracey Till. Missing: Andrew Hatch

Amelia Blake
B.S. Plant Sciences, Class of 2014
Project: Amelia has worked for the Campus Arboretum since 2012. She is assisting with the development of mobile tours and campus tree installations, and is organizing outreach for Food Day. She has also completed literature reviews for the species description pages on the website.
Sequoia Fischer
B.S. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Class of 2015
B.A. 2-D Studio Art, Class of 2015
Project: Sequoia has worked for the Campus Arboretum as photographer since January 2014.
Andrew Hatch
B. S. Sustainable Plant Systems - Environmental Horticulture subplan, Class of 2015
Project: Andrew has worked for the Campus Arboretum since 2012. He manages all grounds related business, including tree, sign, and bench installations, inventory/records updates for the database, plant deliveries, and yet he still finds time to research the Tree of The Week posts for our Facebook page.
Craig Johnson
B. S. Plant Sciences, Class of 2015
Project: Craig has worked for the Campus Arboretum since Summer 2014. He is working on developing a series of interpretive signs for key gardens of historical significance to the campus landscape. He spends his time in the library, special collections, and the historical society but surfaces long enough to help with tree installations.
Hunter McBurnett
B. S. Environmental Sciences, Biosphere Sciences subplan, Plant Sciences minor, Class of 2015
Project: Hunter began working for the Campus Arboretum Fall 2014. She is responsible for post refurbishment as part of our sign replacement project this year. She is also responsible for completing literature reviews for the species description pages on our webstie.
Brigette Porter
B. S. Sustainable Plant Systems, Environmental Horticulture subplan, Class of 2015
Project: Brigette is working on an independent study project to complete species description research for the website.
Alison Radei
B. S. Environemental Sciences, Sustainable Land and Water Management subplan, Sustainable Plant Systems minor, Class of 2015
Project: Alison has worked for the Campus Arboretum since Summer 2014. She is responsible for the creation of new signage for campus, including materials research, budgeting, and design. She has also completed literature reviews for the species description pages on the website.
Tracey Till
B. S. Plant Sciences, Class of 2015
Project: Tracey began working for the Campus Arboretum in January 2014. She is coordinating the development of mobile tree tours for existing tours. She has also created a new tour of sponsored trees and benches, and wil be expanding the Phenology/What's In Bloom tours in Spring 2015. She also assists with tree installations.
Seth Weakly
B. S. Sustainable Plant Systems, Environemental Horticulture subplan, Class of 2015
Project: Seth has worked for the Campus Arboretum since January 2014. He is project manager for all species description and photography work. He has cataloged, and organized thousands of photos, and edited hundreds of species descriptions which he publishes to the website species description pages. He is responsible for managing the workload of all other student interns, distributing assignments for photography and literature review, as well as collecting completed work. He has also taken responsibility for coordinating the monthly newsletter and campus publicity.