Medicinal Plants Walk


University of Arizona Medicinal Plant Walk

Developed by Judy Bevier, PLS Undergraduate, 2009.


1. Acacia pennatula
Medium sized tree with long, pinnately compound leaves and very small leaflets, giving a feather-like appearance.
Medicinal Value: Cytotoxic activity against human tumor cells (shows selectivity towards cancer over healthy cells).


2. Acacia senegal senegal
Small tree with "shrubby" appearance and having short, pinnately-compound leaves subtended by a pair of curved, dark brown spines.
Medicinal Value: Bark, when chewed, exhibits antimicrobial activity.


3. Acacia victoriae
Small tree with simple, strap-shaped leaves subtended by straight, reddish-brown spines.
Medicinal Value: Potent anti-tumor properties regulating cell cycles.


4. Acacia visco
Medium-sized tree with pinnately-compound leaves and shaggy, greyish-brown bark.
Medicinal Value: Methanolic extract with anti-ulcerous activity.


5. Acacia xanthophloea
Large tree with shorter, pinnately compound leaves and a yellowish powder covering the bark.
Medicinal Value: Antimalarial.


6. Aloe ferox
Large Aloe with short spines along the leaf margins as well as scattered across the leaf surfaces.
Medicinal Value: Leaf gel has antioxidant, antifungal and antimicrobial components. Aqueous extracts have anti-viral effects.


7. Caesalpinia gilliesii
Small shrub with large, pinnately-compound leaves and yellow flowers with long, red stamen.
Medicinal Value: Anti-tumor properties.


8. Citrus x paradisi
Medium sized tree with wide, elliptic leaves and grapefruits when in fruit.
Medicinal Value: Aromatherapy massage reduces abdominal subcutaneous fat. Grapefruit juice prevents oxidative stress by raising liver antioxidant enzymes.


9. Cupressus sempervirens
Tall conifer with a narrow, columnar growth habit.
Medicinal Value: Antimicrobial.


10. Dichrostachys cinerea
Medium-sized tree with shorter, pinnately compound leaves.
Medicinal Value: Antibacterial; roots are astringent, used in rheumatism and renal troubles.


11. Eucalyptus torquata
Tall tree with smooth, light reddish-brown bark and bluish-green, lanceolate-shaped leaves.
Medicinal Value: Antimicrobial and antitumor properties.


12. Ficus carica
Small tree with large, palmately-lobed leaves and figs when in fruit.
Medicinal Value: Anti-helminthic, antitumorigenic. Fruits are antioxidant.


13. Jacaranda mimosifolia
Tall tree with large, pinnately compound leaves and large purple flowers, when flowering.
Medicinal Value: Antimicrobial.


14. Laurus nobilis
Small, young tree with leathery, elliptic leaves.
Medicinal Value: Essential oil is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. MRSA-resistant compounds found. Cytotoxic activity.


15. Melaleuca leucadendra
Small tree with "shrubby" appearance and narrow, lanceolate-shaped leaves.
Medicinal Value: Useful for severe headaches.


16. Moringa oleifera
Medium to tall tree with pinnately-compound leaves comprised of roundish leaflets.
Medicinal Value: Essential oil is antifungal. Powerful antioxidant; radical scavenging activity protects LDL from oxidation.


17. Parthenium sp.
Small shrub with simple, fuzzy, slightly lobed leaves.
Medicinal Value: Antitumor.


18. Plumeria rubra
Small tree with large, elliptic-shaped leaves and beautiful cream and yellow flowers when flowering.
Medicinal Value: Anti HIV, inhibitor of RNA tumor-virus transference.


19. Podocarpus macrophyllus
Medium sized tree with "shrubby" appearance and narrow, lanceolate-shaped leaves which are spirally arranged around the branches.
Medicinal Value: Prevents enzyme involved in causing human skin cancer.


20. Punica granatum
Small to medium sized tree with simple leaves and pomegranates when in fruit.
Medicinal Value: Chemopreventive on skin tumor. Male flowers aqueousethnolic extract lowers blood glucose. Other anti-inflammatory effects, including interfering with tumor cell proliferation.


21. Quercus ilex
Medium sized tree with simple, leathery, elliptic-shaped leaves and acorns when in fruit.
Medicinal Value: Bark has antibacterial activity. Aqueous extract made from root bark reduces gastric lesions.


22. Solanum erianthum
Small shrub with large, fuzzy, elliptic leaves which are alternately arranged along the branches.
Medicinal Value: Anti-malarial.


23. Tabebuia chrysotricha
Medium sized tree with dark green, palmately-compound leaves and new growth covered in a golden pubescence.
Medicinal Value: Analgesic properties.


24. Taxodium mucronatum
Small to medium sized conifer with soft, needle-like leaves and older branches with a drooping appearance.
Medicinal Value: Prevents Cathepsin B production which has been implicated in arthritis and certain cancers.